

 Third in I series of kaamos inspired albums ENTER (following NOIR and ARIA) is a work of outer and inner experience. Inner as in in-betweens of body. Outer as in remodulation of space. A dance where outer movement slows to initiate inner. A pose within an endless butterfly flap of frequency we encounter as we travel through cosmos. A slumber party for black solar mass.

 Enter questions social norms of music. It allows a lust to create an isolated form of rebellion. Questioning the borders of non-music/ music it forms its own entity as a possibility for change.

 Between joy and sense of fear

ENTER allows it self to search while it thrives on simplicity.

ENTER continues Tom Lönnqvist’s exploration in anti reverberation synthesis.

 The album contains a remix by fellow Mille Plateaux artist Ibrahim Alfa Jnr

